Well, I wonder too much they say.
About myself and everything else. About feelings, people who feel, people who can't, people who won't.
But all I really have is my experience. Maybe the right set of words can help you understand someone for a brief lapse of time, but that's not only not enough, it won't be the same way tomorrow.
Everything and everybody changes, all the time, constantly. I do too.
Today I feel something, tomorrow the flight of a bird I saw might change it completly. Make it dissapear.
I believe we are born into this world/game everyday. And that can be frightning, yes, or absolutely amazing.
I get fear and joy, I get both. They take shifts. Lately I get so excited about the whole idea that I make it work for me, it's a matter of phases I guess. My mind wonders, I know. But every thought I have, I make it flow trough my whole body and cells, dig into my heart, and feel it. Then, I get my answers. They are mine and only mine. I won't try hard(anymore)to understand others, I just wanna feel others. I feel people I want to feel. And if they want, they can feel too. It's not up to me, not even after years of being with the same person, people make that mistake all the time... All you have is your own choices. Once you make them, you have to let it be. It is going to be what it's ment to be one way or another, sooner or later, why not letting it be from the start?
Some stuff I learn as I live. As a woman, as a human being.
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